Confidence and Self-Esteem

Confidence and Self-Esteem were best friends. They went everywhere together. If Confidence bought a new dress, Self-Esteem bought one just like it. They were very close.

One day a new kid came to their school. His name was Peer Pressure. He had a friend called Hateful Words. They decided to give Confidence a hard time.

They constantly teased her. They forced her to do terrible things. It was so terrible that Confidence lost Self-Esteem. When Self-Esteem wanted to start some classes, Confidence said they wouldn’t be any good.

Then one day, Peer Pressure introduced Confidence to Doubt. He wanted to ruin Confidence, but Peer Pressure said he couldn’t yet. Self Esteem couldn’t understand what was wrong with Confidence. Confidence now hung around with Depression, Low Self-Esteem, and Overeating.

These girls were friends of Peer Pressure. Self-Esteem no longer had any friends. She no longer felt good about herself. She went to see her Imaam. Imaam Good Words told her how to talk to Confidence. He introduced her to his daughter, Encouragement.

Encouragement and Self-Esteem went to find Confidence. Self Esteem hoped she wasn’t too late. The girls found Confidence in a stupor. She was no longer a vibrant, happy young girl. There were dark circles under her eyes. She had gained so much weight from eating that she couldn’t move.

Encouragement gasped and Self-Esteem cried. She begged Encouragement to do something.

Encouragement began to hug Confidence. She kissed her and loved her. She told her that she was a beautiful young lady who had a lot going for her.

Encouragement held Confidence so tightly that Self-Esteem thought she would smother her. Confidence began to cry. As she cried, she seemed to lose weight. Then a bright light suddenly glowed from Confidence and she began to smile.

Peer Pressure and his friends didn’t like what Encouragement was doing and tried to attack her. They hit at her and pulled at her, but they couldn’t pull her away from Confidence. Then Confidence began to speak.

“Get away from me, Peer Pressure. Take your friends and go. You no longer have any power over me.” Confidence was now a glowing light. She and her friends made sure that Peer Pressure and his gang never bothered anyone in their town again.

Freelance Design Tips

Know Your Users
When you work on Web design jobs, you are working to please not only your client, but the users of your client's site. It's helpful to know as much as you can about that audience as you begin designing a site for them. For example, who is the target market and what kind of demographic information is available about them? (For instance, a site appealing to men in their 50s will have a different look from one appealing to women in their 20s

Continuing Ed For Web Designers

If you're working freelance, web design jobs tend to be varied. This means you'll need to have a larger skill set than people who are doing the same tasks every day at a corporate job. Being equipped to handle the needs of your client is part of the package. The question is, how do you stay on top of the latest trends?

There are several ways to keep up with things in the field. Here are a few to try:
  • Webinars. Webinars provide online training in a wide range of subjects. This is an attractive option, since you can do it from the comfort of home.
  • Classes. Traditional coursework is another way to learn more as a designer. This is an especially good choice if the subject matter is complex.
  • Industry groups. Joining industry groups can help you keep abreast of the latest news in your field, which gives you an idea of what you need to brush up on.
  • Self-study. Learning new techniques from books may be an option if you enjoy self-directed study.
Finding Web Design Jobs
If you're serious about a freelance Web design career, you want clients who are serious about their Web sites. Many of the prospective clients out there are people who want the cheapest possible product, and don't have a good understanding of how much a quality designer can help their sites.

Production Artists: Skills Needed
When you're looking for freelance artist jobs it can be difficult to know whether you should specialize in web or print. Production artists are needed in both venues, and the skills needed often overlap. Knowing how to operate certain programs can help you be more marketable, whether you choose to do freelance work or look for employment at a corporation. To be competitive with others in the field, it helps to have a working knowledge of the following:

  • Computer programs. Examples of some of the programs that production artists should be able to use include: Photoshop, InDesign, Dreamweaver, HTML and Illustrator.
  • Computer graphics and animation.
  • Logo design.
  • Branding.
  • Color theories.
  • Typography.These are just some areas in which it can be a good idea to have experience. College coursework and getting a degree are also desirable. Many production assistants have studied in areas such as advertising design, graphic design or advertising communications.

Mockups and Prototypes
At the mockup stage, it's easy to add features, switch elements, and even redo the whole look of the product. These changes get a lot more difficult when you're working with the real product. A team of Chicago designers might use a standard contract that includes at least one round of alterations at the mockup stage, to emphasize to the client that now is the time to change one's mind.

Logos As A Specialty
If you're looking for freelance graphic work, one exciting area that you can focus on is logo creation. This specialized field requires a good ear as well as a good eye. Successful graphic designers know how to listen to a client to find out what they are looking for—and then deliver something amazing that exceeds expectations.

Many designers think that for a logo to be great it has to be complex, but many of the best are very simple. The logo needs to communicate with the viewer, and the graphic designer's job is to marry that concept with the direction the company wants to go with the look. This can be more difficult than people think. Truth is—it takes a lot of practice.

The good news is that the more logos you do, the more information and experience you will have. You may want to create logos for charities as a way of practicing. Once you have a portfolio together of sample logos, it will be far easier to sell your work as a freelance designer.

Getting Paid for Graphic Design Work
To protect themselves and get proper compensation for their work and skills, many designers recommend a series of milestones and payments. For instance, a partnership of New York designers might bill 30% of the final fee on completion of the prototype, 30% on completion of the first draft, and 40% after two rounds of changes. Only after the invoices are paid are the final files provided to the client.

Career Re-Entry
Going back to work after a break can be a difficult thing. If you have taken time off to do something like raise children or care for a parent, it can be hard to know how to get back into the workforce. This is especially true if it has been a while since you held a full-time job. If you are looking for freelance positions at a corporation, you may want to sign on with a talent agency.

Talent agencies can help match you with a job that you are qualified for, but that isn't all they are good for. If your resume needs a little help or you aren't quite sure what to say during an interview, the people who work at the agency can help you prepare for these things. Ultimately, a career agent can help you feel more ready to get back to work after some time off. It's nice to have someone who is invested in finding you a new job—besides yourself!

Elements of a Freelance Design Contract
 A good contract protects the freelance graphic artist by setting out the work to be done, the schedule of work to be delivered, and the schedule of payments to be made. A graphic designer should have a standard contract available for clients to sign, and should not do any work without a signed contract. You should also include a clause reserving the right to display a copy of the completed work as part of your portfolio.

Corporate Identity
Larger organizations seek graphic designers to develop visual styles that will permeate every aspect of the company's work. Freelance graphic designers seeking New York design jobs, or jobs in other sophisticated markets, may be asked to demonstrate proficiency with corporate identity work.

This Is How Hollywood Movies Look Before & After Visual Effects Are Applied

Ever wondered how movies look like without visual effects? Or have you wondered how the movie directors manage to find such out-of-world scenes for their movies? Well, this post is the answer to your curiosity. After watching the visuals below, you will realize that most of Hollywood blockbusters are not even watch-able without computer visual effects. Next time you watch any movie, do thank the engineers who made it a visual treat. For now, enjoy the Hollywood movie images as they look before & after visual effects are applied.

This Man Hasn't Bathed In 60 Years

Amou Haji from Iran is a rather unusual personality. Perhaps, that is putting it too politely. Well, here’s the deal. The 80-year old man has not had a bath in 60 years. Why so, you ask? He is of the view that washing himself would only make him sick. Oh, and he prefers to have rotten porcupine for his meals. What’s most interesting is that he seeks a life partner despite all this. Any takers?

It gets weirder; the man smokes from a pipe that is filled with animal feces. His view about clean food is pretty much consistent with that about his body cleanliness. That explains why dead animals and five liters of water from rusty oil cans form part of his daily diet. He prefers to sleep in a hole in the ground at night and there is even a brick shack that residents decided to construct for his sake.

Haji has rather twisted methods of grooming himself. He uses car mirrors to do that. In case he feels he is in need of a haircut, he goes ahead and burns the locks of unnecessary hair. Rags protect him from the weather whereas a helmet helps him beat the cold in the chilly winters. In case you were wondering, Haji does have a home in village Dejgah. However, he decided to escape that part of Iran when a group of people insisted he showered.

With this feat, Haji has managed to better the record of the Kailash Singh from India who went on without bathing for 38 years.

5 Foods That Cause Constipation

Not every banana is created equal. Based on the type, bananas ca be healthy or constipating. Unripened, green bananas are constipating whilst ripe bananas are rich in soluble fiber that assist with bowel movement and cleansing. For relief, pick bananas that are ripe.

Breads created from wheat or rye are high in fructose. At times the body does not properly digest and take in fructan-containing foods and as an outcome, bacteria in your colon ferment the fructans, begin generating gas. Extra water and gas existing in your intestines can trigger abdominal ache, pain, cramping and changes in the consistency of your bowel movements.

Average chocolate consumption has been proven to be healthy, packed with antioxidants, and can improve our disposition. However, huge quantities of chocolate can slow down the digestion process. it is assumed to slow down muscle contractions and bowel movements.

Snacks like potato chips are constipating also because of the low fiber content. Chips, such as dairy, are high-fat foods that postpone digestion, causing a full-stomach sensation that mimics constipation.

Frozen meals are very easy. They can save time in making meals, and can made with minimal cooking skills. These meals are nearly always low in fiber and in many cases high in fat. Also because of preservation methods for the food, they are normally high in sodium. High sodium content focuses the water in our bodies, keeping it from pressing waste through the body. Keep these constipating foods minimal.


Ø When we are in the class, we are “Children

Ø When they are in the class, they are “Scholars

Ø When we write on our own writing, it is “Over-Writing

Ø When they write over our writing, it is “Correction

Ø When we copy from others, we are “Cheaters

Ø When they copy from others, they are “Quotes

Ø When we don’t do our work on time, we are “Sluggish

Ø When they don’t do their work on time, they are “Busy

Ø When we think in class, we are “Day Dreamers

Ø When they think in class, They are “Philosophers

Ø When we talk in class, We are “Chatter Box

Ø When they talk in class, They are “Professing

Ø When we are out in the corridors, We are “Bunking

Ø When they are out in the corridors, They are on “Official Duty

Ø When we are gathered to discuss, We are “Gossiping

Ø When they are gathered to discuss, It is “Conference

Ø When we shout in class, We are “Illiterate

Ø When they shout in class, That’s their “Need

Ø When we joke in class, We are “Jokers

Ø When they joke in class, They are “Witty

Ø When we use mobile in class, We are “Undisciplined

Ø When they use mobile in class, That’s “Important

“Ahhh. . . Do U still Think Our Teachers Are Better Than Us?”

Home Remedies to Stop Sneezing Naturally

Sneezing may be annoying, but it is actually a protective mechanism that helps expel allergens and irritants out of your body. Allergies, animal dander, smoke, mold, dust, wood dust, pollen and other such irritants are the most common causes of sneezing. Cold weather, changes in humidity and temperature, rain water, strong smells, food allergies, certain drugs and other such factors also can cause sneezing.
Sneezing is often accompanied by issues like lack of concentration, fatigue, runny nose, nasal irritation, and red eyes. Sneezing is not usually a serious problem but if it occurs persistently, it can be frustrating. There are many simple and easy home remedies for relief from sneezing.

Here are the top 10 home remedies for sneezing.

1. Peppermint Oil
If your sneezing is due to a stuffy nose, peppermint oil’s antibacterial properties can help.
  1. Boil some water and add five drops of peppermint oil.
  2. Cover you head with a towel and breathe in the steam coming from the boiling pot. Inhaling the steam will clear your nasal passages.

You can also inhale steam from boiling water mixed with a few drops of eucalyptus oil to get relief from sneezing induced by nasal irritation and colds.

2. Fennel Tea
Fennel has natural antibiotic and anti-viral properties that can fight off any upper respiratory infection, including sneezing.
  1. Boil a cup of water, add two teaspoons of crushed fennel seeds and cover the pot. Soak the seeds for 10 to 15 minutes and then strain the liquid.
  2. Drink two cups of this tea daily to reduce the frequency of sneezing.
When preparing fennel tea, never boil the water after adding the seeds to it. This will destroy the natural oils in the fennel.
3. Black Pepper
Something as simple as pepper can be the solution to sneezing and a runny nose.
  1. Mix one-half tablespoon of pepper powder with lukewarm water. Drink it two to three times each day.
  2. Gargling with warm water mixed with pepper also helps get rid of cold viruses and germs.
  3. You can also eat soups and salads mixed with black pepper.
4. Chamomile Tea
A hot cup of chamomile tea is considered as one of the best home remedies for sneezing caused by allergies. It has excellent antihistamine properties that can provide instant relief.
  1. Add one teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers to one cup of boiling water, continue boiling the tea for a few minutes. Add some honey to improve the flavor.
  2. Drink the tea two times each day to stop your sneezing.
You can also use Echinacea and nettle tea and drink it two times daily.

5. Ginger
Ginger is one of the oldest and effective home remedies for the treatment of different viral and nasal problems including sneezing.
  1. Consume 1 to 2 teaspoons of ginger extract twice a day until the sneezing stops.
  2. Another option is to cut a small piece of ginger root into thin slices, put them in a cup of water and boil it for some time. Add a little honey for taste and drink the tea before going to bed. This will prevent sneezing at night.
6. Garlic
Garlic can easily fight off an upper respiratory infection due to its natural antibiotic and antiviral properties. It can be used internally or externally to get relief from excessive sneezing caused by a common cold infection.
  1. Crush four to five garlic cloves to make a fine paste and then inhale its strong fragrance. This will help clear the nasal passages that cause sneezing and help you to breathe with ease.
  2. It’s also helpful to include garlic in your diet. You can add it to your soups, salads and many other dishes.

7. Vitamin C
Vitamin C can help lower the production of histamine in your body and hence control sneezing. When suffering from a common cold, drink a glass of lemonade or orange juice to get a good dose of vitamin C. Your diet should also include vegetables that contain bioflavonoid, which works in the same way as vitamin C. Its antioxidant properties similarly control histamine production and thereby reduces sneezing.

8. Oil of OreganoOil of oregano has antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic and anti-inflammatory properties vital in fighting sinusitis. The natural oil extracted from wild oregano plants also has two key ingredients that are essential in strengthening the immune system: carvacrol and thymol.
  1. Mix two to three drops of oil with juice.
  2. Drink it daily until your sneezing and sinus congestion subside.
9. Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek seeds also provide relief from sneezing due to its antiviral properties. Fenugreek has a soothing effect on the mucous membranes relieving irritation and it helps to treat sneezing.
  1. Boil water with 2 to 3 teaspoons of fenugreek seeds. Wait until the content reduces by half.
  2. Drain the mixture, and drink it in small sips.
  3. Do this 2 to 3 times a day until your symptoms are gone.
10. Bitter Gourd
Bitter gourd has medicinal properties and is used in treating sneezing to a great extent.
  1. Soak about 5 to 6 bitter gourd leaves in water for some time.
  2. Remove the gourds from the water, squeeze them and add a little bit of warm water to make juice. You can add some honey to the mixture if you like.
  3. Drinking this on a regular basis will help get rid of sneezing induced by colds and seasonal allergies.
Along with all these home remedies, it’s a good idea to take some measures to prevent exposure to environmental irritants, such as dust and allergens in your home that can aggravate a sneezing problem.

Garlic as a Natural Antibiotic

Garlic is used regularly in our food and we use it more for the flavor than anything else. But we seldom sit back and think if there is anything more to garlic than just flavoring meats and bread? And there is a lot. Garlic has many therapeutic properties that can benefit a person. It can alleviate joint pains, lower cholesterol level and cure a variety of bacterial infections.Over the years, garlic has been considered one of the best natural antibiotics. The antibacterial properties of garlic have been the subject of research for quite some time and it is still going on. It has been long proved that under laboratory conditions, it has the ability to kill bacteria. Modern studies have confirmed it and also shown that not only bacteria, but garlic can be effective against viruses and fungi too. Compared to commercial antibiotics, garlic has been found to be more potent as a broad spectrum antibiotic.

Garlic scores over the commercial antibiotics in a very important area and that is in the area of the body growing resistance to a drug. While this is a common problem for most of the antibiotics, garlic stays clear of it. That is why it was used over and over again to treat the same infections in the earlier ages.

But the benefits of such properties will only be available when garlic is taken raw and crushed. It releases Allicin, the chemical behind the antibiotic properties of garlic. If you really want to harvest the benefits, try to take it raw. It has been found that if you cook the garlic then it does not lose any other properties except its antibiotic properties.

To use garlic as an antibiotic it is to be taken internally and if viable, it can be used directly on the infected area. To take it internally one can infuse it in wine, in vinegar or in honey. The last concoction is great as an antibiotic cough syrup.

Garlic taken with carrot juice is also very effective as antibiotic syrup. For external application do not use the garlic juice or paste raw on the skin as it can cause burns. Always dilute it with water and use as a wash.

Apart from fighting infections, garlic, if taken regularly, can actually prevent the infections from occurring as it boosts the immunity system of the body.

A New Solution That Stops Snoring and Lets You Sleep

If you’re like most Americans you probably don’t get eight hours sleep each night.

But, if you also constantly feel exhausted, experience headaches for no obvious reason or have high blood pressure, you could have a more serious problem.

That’s because these can all be the result of snoring—which is, in turn, the most common symptom of a potentially serious health problem—obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).

While most people think of snoring as a minor annoyance, research shows it can be hazardous to your health. That’s because for over 18 million Americans it’s related to obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). People who suffer from OSA repeatedly and unknowingly stop breathing during the night due to a complete or partial obstruction of their airway. It occurs when the jaw, throat, and tongue muscles relax, blocking the airway used to breathe. The resulting lack of oxygen can last for a minute or longer, and occur hundreds of times each night.

  1. Thankfully, most people wake when a complete or partial obstruction occurs, but it can leave you feeling completely exhausted. OSA has also been linked to a host of health problems including:
  2. Acid reflux
  3. Frequent nighttime urination
  4. Memory loss
  5. Stroke
  6. Depression
  7. Diabetes
  8. Heart attack

People over 35 are at higher risk.

OSA can be expensive to diagnosis and treat, and is not always covered by insurance. A sleep clinic will require an overnight visit (up to $5,000). Doctors then analyze the data and prescribe one of several treatments. These may require you to wear uncomfortable CPAP devices that force air through your nose and mouth while you sleep to keep your airways open, and may even include painful surgery.

Fortunately, there is now a comfortable, far less costly and invasive treatment option available. A recent case study published by Eastern Virginia Medical School's Division of Sleep Medicine in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine concludes that wearing a simple chinstrap while you sleep can be an effective treatment for OSA.

The chin strap, which is now available from a company called MySnoringSolution, works by supporting the lower jaw and tongue, preventing obstruction of the airway. It’s made from a high-tech, lightweight, and super-comfortable material. Thousands of people have used the MySnoringSolution chinstrap to help relieve their snoring symptoms, and they report better sleeping, and better health overall because of it.

Making people around you happy could be the shortest way to your own happiness! Here are some good reasons why:
-What goes around comes around. This might not be the driving force behind your acts of kindness, but contributing for someone else’s happiness can reflect back at you, too.
-You won’t regret it. Do you remember a time when you’ve felt sorry that you’ve done a good deed? Me neither.
-You’ll feel happier as someone’s face flows with happiness!

So how do we do that? How can we easily brighten someone’s day?

Here are 17 quick and inexpensive solutions for this:

1. Encourage.
Sometimes it’s hard to stay positive when you’re going through tough times. When someone is feeling down, you could always give them a ray of your own sunshine and remind them of the positive sides of their problem. This will certainly help your friend see the light at the end of the tunnel!

2. Hug.
In the right situation it could change someone’s day! Hugging reduces stress and it can brighten your thoughts and mood in a second. Pretty cool for something so simple.

3. Give away a piece of your talent. 
A good drawing or maybe a necklace or bracelet? A present with a touch of individuality won’t go unappreciated for sure.

4. Hold the door open for someone.
Donate a few seconds of your time for a wide smile on someone’s face- now that’s a deal!

5. Bring a cup of tea/coffee. 
Next time you go for a cup of coffee, buy one more for someone from your office/class. It’s an easy way to show that you care.

6. Bring positive energy into the conversation. 
Positive energy is contagious! Throw in something a positive thought during lunch for example and soon most of your lunch mates will do the same. Brighten up the atmosphere!

7. Smile. 
Even if it’s to a stranger on the street- it will either make them smile back or they’ll just feel awkward. At least it’s worth trying if it’s going to brighten up someone’s day.

8. Just listen.
 People feel appreciated when they are listened to and not rudely interrupted.

9. While driving, let someone into your lane. 
This could be someone’s moment of relief during a stressful day.

10. An honest compliment
It works best if it’s for something that is close to the other person’s heart. You wouls feel better if someone acknowledges the effort you have made on something, wouldn’t you?

11. Share some of your homemade sweets. 
Who doesn’t like cookies? Or ice cream or jerky?

12. Share something you found on the internet. 
It could be your favorite funny video or something intriguing and helpful.

13. Bring your friends’ favorite takeout food. 
Another version of the tea/coffee favor is buying your mate’s favorite food- chocolate, sandwich, pizza, etc. If you’re a good cook, why not prepare a favorite meal?

14. Pick some flowers for your buddy. 
That’s a pretty easy and joyful way to put a smile on someone’s face.

15. Do a chore or run an errand for someone. 
If you’re having a day off, why not help someone with something small? It’s a good sacrifice and a positive outcome is sure to follow.

16. Tell a joke or a funny story. 
You can turn your mischiefs into a funny story that can make someone laugh.

17. Share a good advice with your mate. 
When there’s a problem you can easily participate in the solution by offering a helpful advice or your own point of view. You can consult with friends that have been in a similar situation. This could really mean a lot for the friend you’re trying to help! Show them that they’re not alone in this.

Autobiography Of Mobile Phone

I am the part and parcel of every one’s life. Children ruthlessly love me, women adore me and men handle me roughly. Can you guess what I am? I am a cell phone. Fancying that your life is incomplete, dull and drab without me you would be interested in knowing about my journey of life.

I am a delicate smart cell phone of a famous make APPLE. Getting through rigorous phases of manufacturing in the factory of a USA I came out shining as sun. My fellow models were of different colors but I felt distinguished to be clad in a glistening black and silver body. The package that carried was equally shining, decent and it rightly went with my prestige. I was shipped to Pakistan. After many days of travelling in dark suffocating container I reached Pakistan. Then I was sent to a mobile showroom. The shopkeeper displayed me on a glass window. People came, adored me and put me back. Nobody was ready to buy me because I was very precious. One a rich man purchased me but he didn't unpack me rather he wrapped me in a beautiful wrapping sheet and presented me as a gift to his beloved wife on her birthday. The lady who was my owner was very nice. She handled me gently and took great care of mine. She always looked at me with a special gleam in her eyes because my sight always reminded her, the unfathomable love of her husband. Sometimes she let her three years old daughter play with me but in her own supervision. She was always very watchful that lest the young child should not cause any harm to me. I felt very uneasy in the hands of baby because she was too young to enjoy any game or any other application of mine. She could only see the pictures in the gallery. On an unfortunate day her one year younger brother approached her when she was molesting me. My owner left her unattended only for few seconds when she went to kitchen to turn the meat stakes in the broiler. He tried to snatch me from her hands. In that maltreatment I got slipped from their hands and fell on the floor. My LED was crashed. Hearing the smash my owner lady rushed screaming. She was baffled seeing my heartrending plight. I was sent to a mobile repair shop my LED was replaced but I lost my original luster. My owner sold me and now I am waiting for a new owner. I am perplexed to think that who my new owner would be!!

LIFE - A Journey....

Some of these challenges will test our courage, strengths, weaknesses, and faith. Along the way, we may stumble upon obstacles that will come between the paths that we are destined to take. In order to follow the right path, we must overcome these obstacles. Sometimes these obstacles are really blessings in disguise, only we don't realize that at the time.

Along our journey we will be confronted with many situations, some will be filled with joy, and some will be filled with heartache. How we react to what we are faced with determines what kind of outcome the rest of our journey through life will be like.

When things don't always go our way, we have two choices in dealing with the situations. We can focus on the fact that things didn't go how we had hoped they would and let life pass us by, or two, we can make the best out of the situation and know that these are only temporary setbacks and find the lessons that are to be learned.

Time stops for no one, and if we allow ourselves to focus on the negative we might miss out on some really amazing things that life has to offer. We can't go back to the past, we can only take the lessons that we have learned and the experiences that we have gained from it and move on. It is because of the heartaches, as well as the hardships, that in the end help to make us a stronger person.

The people that we meet on our journey, are people that we are destined to meet. Everybody comes into our lives for some reason or another and we don't always know their purpose until it is too late. They all play some kind of role. Some may stay for a lifetime; others may only stay for a short while.

You Are What You Want To Be…?

Our minds work just the way we want it to work… we are who we want to be… if our willpower is strong and we decide we won’t indulge ourselves into something we don’t want to, nothing can ever make us do it.. Our willpower and initiative can really move the mountains.
The following story is its biggest example.

King Louis had been taken from his throne and imprisoned. His young son the prince was taken by those who dethroned the king. They thought that in as much as the king’s son was heir to the throne, if they could destroy him morally he would never realize the great and grand destiny that life had bestowed upon him.They took him to a community far away, and there they exposed the lad to every filthy and vile thing that life could offer. They exposed him to foods the richness of which would quickly make him a slave to appetite. They used vile language around him constantly. The exposed him to nude and lusty women. They exposed him to dishonor and distrust. He was surrounded twenty four hours a day by everything that could drag the soul of a man as low as one could slip. For over six months he had his treatment but not once did the young lad buckle under pressure. Finally after intensive temptation, they questioned him. Why had he not submitted himself to these things why had he not partaken? These things would provide pleasure, satisfy his lust, and were desirable; they were all his. The boy said,” I cannot do what you ask for I was born to be a king.”

Top 5 WordPress Themes Generators

A WordPress theme generator comes a great help for non-programmers. It happens that one may think of beautiful designs, but may not bring the imagined design in the form of website design due to ignorance of programming languages used in website development. While I meet such an individual, I recommend WordPress theme generator to use because it’s the very nice way to make the website templates despite of being a non-programmer. Described below, are some well reputed WordPress theme generators.

Template Toaster
It is a desktop based generator, means the user has to download it on a personal system having to pay premium, which is $ 39.99 (for standard edition only). It is considered rather advanced by the user community of it, owing to trendy designing options that are many in number, and technically it’s responsive and search engine friendly.

WP Theme Generator
It’s an online theme generator for WordPress. To use this tool, the user must be online. Firstly, an account has to be created for making use of it. It’s also not free, offers combo packs to users and accordingly provide theme its usability. WP promises responsive themes. Sample designs can be browsed and used by user if not able to think in its own way

This generator is capable of generating basic WordPress themes. It’s a desktop based tool, yet the user is required to stay connected to the internet since theme can only be exported while online. It costs $ 129.95 for the standard edition. The themes it generates conforms to w3c standards and occur responsive as well.

Ultimatum presents a drag and drop layout builder. It does not promise to provide many designing options, but the intuitive things is offers is flexibility to set the place for widgets in desired position. This theme builder carries a very clean and easy to understand interface for users. It offers many additional functionalities for themes.

Like ultimatum, iTheme presents a layout editor which offers drag and drop ease to place the modules, namely header, navigation, images, sidebars, content area, widget bars, and footer. One more module is, the HTML area. iTheme is responsive and offer three pricing packs. Where every pack consists builder core theme embodied editor.

Benefits of Onion for Hair Loss

Benefits Of Onion For Hair Loss!
1- Onions are great for preventing hair loss. Raw onion should be applied directly on the scalp to foster new hair growth. The juice of onion is excellent to stimulate blood circulation and expedite hair growth.
2-Onion helps prevent premature graying of hair. You can either eat it orally or apply onion extract on the scalp.
3-Onion, with its rich sulfur content, is an excellent tonic for hair thinning. Regular application of onion helps thicken hair by improving its volume.
4- Onion is a natural cure to treat hereditary hair loss and premature hair graying.
5- Several researches conducted on hair fall have established that onions contain great healing properties. These are effective in treating conditions such as androgenic alopecia or female pattern baldness.
6- The antibacterial properties of onion aid in treating several scalp and hair infections caused by fungi and yeast.

How to Use Onion For Hair Loss?

1. Onion juice:
Onion juice is the easiest recipe you can try at home. Drinking raw onion juice could be a little difficult. Therefore, you should apply this directly on the scalp. Leave the onion extracts for thirty minutes and rinse off with a mild shampoo.

2. Onion honey mixture:
Onion honey mixture is the best way you can have raw onion orally. You need to take 1/4th cup raw onion juice and add a tablespoon of honey to it. You can either intake the juice directly, or can apply the mixture to the scalp as well.

3. Onion-rum concoction:
Some people do not like the dominating smell of onion. This can be an ideal preparation for them. To make onion-rum concoction, you need to finely chop an onion and soak it overnight in rum. Strain the rum next morning and rinse your hair with this liquid.

4. Oral consumption of onion:
Oral consumption of onion can be equally benefitting for the hair. Onions are excellent taste enhancers and can make any food taste nice and rich. Hence, if you cannot stand its overpowering smell, you can try adding onions into your regular recipes. This will offer you the same benefit as applying raw onion on the scalp.

15 Amazing, Interesting Facts Which are Unknown for You.

1-Do you know how much Google earns? Google generates $691.27 per second. The annual revenue is $21,800,000,000.

2-The human eye is 576 mega pixels compared to I phone 5 that has only 8 mega pixels camera.

3-Dogs have better eyesight than a human although not as colorful.

4-If you are in total darkness more than 3 days you can become permanently blind.

5-By the year 2112, there will be 750 million facebook profiles of dead people.

6-By watching one person yawning, more than 50 people can start yawning.

7-There is a place “Y” in France.

8-Right handed people live, on average, 9 years longer than left handed people.

9-Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes.

10-Mobile damages our brain and hearing.

11-An adult human contains 5 liters of blood.

12-The average human dream lasts 2-3 second.

13-It takes 20 seconds for RBC to complete a circle to whole body.

14-Cornea in human eye takes oxygen directly from the air.

15-Every time you sneeze some of your brain cells die.

7 Severe Side Effects Of Milk

Do you drink milk? Are you under this constant impression that consuming glasses of milk is only making your body healthier? Then maybe you should rethink. Please don’t get me wrong. I know how often we would have been lectured in our childhood about the greatness and wholeness of milk. If you are hungry, it is milk you are fed with. Are you crying? Then again it is milk which comes to soothe and calm you. No wonder the goodness of milk has been so deeply ingrained in our minds, that we have always believed it to be the best food.But things have become much clearer now. Didn’t understand?
1) GAS
Also known as flatulence, it is an irritable state of having excessive intestinal or stomach gas. (1)
How?Cow’s milk contains lactose. This lactose can cause irritation in the digestive system which leads to gas. (2)
Sharp pangs in the abdomen, a knotted feeling in the abdomen, bloating. (3)

It is an extremely unpleasant feeling within the stomach which causes an urge to vomit.
The milk lactose can irritate the stomach causing nausea. It is one form of lactose intolerance, wherein people begin to have digestive problems immediately after consuming milk or milk products. (4)
The symptoms of nausea are comparatively difficult to describe. They don’t cause pain but an uncomfortable feeling within the head and chest. Some of these symptoms include dizziness, light headedness, headaches.(5)

3) Breast Cancer Due To rBGH
Here comes one of the serious milk side effects:
rBGH, also known as recombinant bovine somatotropin, is a genetically engineered artificial hormone that is injected into cows to make them produce more milk. (6)
Though it might sound overly sensational, there are solid facts which prove that the milk you consume in your home can lead to breast cancer.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. And for any woman, the chances of getting breast cancer are 1 in 8. (7) Consumption of dairy products coming from those cows injected with the dangerous rBGH can lead to breast cancer. Hence it is always advisable to be aware of this serious side effect of milk.
Lump in the breast, change in the size or shape of one or both the breasts, lump or swelling in the armpits. (8)

4) Abdominal Bloating
It is a condition in which the stomach feels full and might also appear swollen.
Abdominal bloating happens as a side effect of the high lactose content in cow’s milk. This happens when it moves through the large intestine without getting properly digested. Bloating, another form of lactose intolerance occurs when the small intestine fails to produce enough amount of an enzyme called lactase, which is required for the breakdown of lactose. (9)
Sometimes bloating can turn very serious. Symptoms that indicate this are weight loss, severe stomach pain and blood in the stool. (10)

5) Anemia In Toddlers
Anemia is a condition which occurs due to a deficiency of hemoglobin in blood.
Cow’s milk has a very low content of iron. And since infants consume lots of milk, they end up getting less amount of iron. One more way how cow’s milk causes anemia toddlers is by the occult intestinal blood loss in toddlers. (11)
Pale skin, fatigue and shortness of breath; but these symptoms appear only when anemia is severe.

6) Respiratory Problems
Consumption of milk can lead to an increase in phlegm, thereby causing or aggravating respiratory problems. (12)
It is true that milk consumption can lead to an increase in phlegm. But not all milk is the same. There are certain breeds of cow’s milk which contain a protein called beta-CM-7. This specific protein can trigger the formation of mucus both in the respiratory as well as digestive tracts. (13)
Cough, sinus.

7) Allergies
Some people are allergic to cow’s milk and they react to the proteins present in it. This causes allergic reactions in them.
Curd contains 80 percent of milk’s proteins. And whey, the watery part of milk contains the remaining 20 percent. Whenever a person who is allergic to milk consumes these proteins, the body slips under the impression that these are harmful substances. Hence, the immune system starts fighting against these harmful substances (proteins). This is what causes allergic reactions in the body. (14)
Wheezing, itchy or watery eyes, red spots on the skin.
Now that you have learnt the side effects of drinking milk, are you still interested in gulping down glasses of milk everyday?

What Is It Like In Winter

Sitting on a sofa, With a cup of hot coffee, It’s so warm and cozy, With my family all around Winter is definitely on its way What a fun I will have. When I wore my jacket and my scarf And cover my hands with gloves, And then go out to wish my showman “Good night” I just couldn’t explain the beauty of winter Cause I am covered from head to toe And I couldn’t even breathe . . . ahah I never loved a heater before But now I couldn’t live without it I wonder what my friends are doing May be sleeping in their cozy beds Or enjoying dry fruits Or making a snow man Or lighting a bonfire Or having a barbecue Oh! How badly I wish to be with them forever.

APPLE (“KING” of all fruits)

We will now talk about fruit - a very special fruit – the Apple, “King” of all fruits. Now, why should the apple, in particular, be known as the “King” of all fruits? The answer is : because this fruit has so many virtues. An apple is beautiful, tasty and has a fine fragrance. It can be grown almost everywhere, and it keeps well.
On the outside it is a colorful fruit. It comes in various colors from green to red to gold. In taste an apple is tasty and juicy, and has various tastes from sour to sweet. One can eat an apple raw, cooked, or baked, and it can be used in various dishes.
Apples are very good for one’s health. An English saying is : “An apple a day keeps doctor away.” The apple contains 80 to 85% of water. Approximately 5% of protein or nitrogenous material. 10 to 15% of acids and salts. A fresh apple is rich in vitamins and amongst the most valuable of the anti-scorbutic fruits for reliving scurvy. All apples contain a varying amount of acids, malic acid and gallic acid and a abundance of salts both potash and soda, as well as salt of lime, magnesium and iron. Apple comes in all shades of reds, greens, and yellows. Apples are fat, sodium and cholesterol free. Apple floats because 25% of their volume is air. Apples have five seed pockets each with a seed. To get the full value of an apple, it should be eaten unpeeled as the valuable acids and salts of the Apple in and just below the skin.
Actually, an apple is good for one’s digestion, and also has important vitamins and mineral. Apples also help to clean one’s teeth after a meal. No other fruit has so many qualities. Therefore, it is not surprising that the apple is regarded as the “King” of all fruits.
The original home of the apple is considered to be in the countries of South West Asia, including the land of Israel. From there it is spread to Europe and the rest of the world. Apples can grow anywhere, excluding extremely hot and extremely cold climates.
Balochistan has the largest area under fruits in Pakistan as nearly one million tons of fruits are annually produced from 0.23 million hectares. In this way, Balochistan’s share in country’s fruit area and production is 32.6% and 17.4%, repectively. The production of deciduous fruits (particularly apple) in Balochistan has a special significance among other fruit growing areas. This is because the environmental conditions are relative far more suitable for the production of apple. Therefore, apple is the first largest planted fruit in Balochistan and it is second most produced fruit after dates in the province. Apple is grown in highlands of Balochistan and it covers 0.101 million hectares with a production of 0.224 million tones. The Tar-Kulu (Red Delicious) and Shin-Kulu (Golden Delicious) are the famous varieties for their very attractive color and taste throughout Pakistan as mentioned below:-
Golden delicious is available from October to December.
Tar Kulu is available from September to December.

Amri is available from October to January

How Should School Work?

I wish I could change the way school work. If I had my way, teacher would never stop us from talking during their endless lessons. The monitor would never snatch away all our new gadgets, which we carry to boast in front of our classmates. Since education is necessary we would pay heed to it for 30 minutes at the most. Instead of getting homework to research on planets of solar system, we would be told to get cheats of the new Grand Theft Auto for the next day, or we would find out who made the highest score in Angry Birds!


Eat eat and eat! Now days, many teens are overweight and unfit. Many surveys had found out that more and more young people suffer from obesity, damaging their health. Therefore, stop eating too much children! That is not alone about your appearance, but it is also about your health. Lack of sport is a major problem for overweight as we are not consuming are calories, which ultimately accumulate in our body. Then, we get fatter and fatter. Unfortunately, now we all love to play video games and computer rather than sport. Because of these indoor games the intake of the diet cannot be consumed properly which results in gaining weight eventually. Another reason is due to high content of calories in the diet that include junk food, cold drinks it includes too much calories which is harmful as these harmful calories later deposit in our blood vessels and leads to number of diseases such as heart, respiratory diseases. Youngsters due to school stress are seen busy. Eating candies and snack, which is common method to release school stress. It is unwise because candies and snacks doom you to gain weight easily. In fact, we can only use one rule to solve the problem-the uptake should be always greater than the intake! Playing sport is a good method to lose weight. Besides, you will feel more comfortable after playing any outdoor games. Hence, these sports activities will help in consuming are calories but also relieve stress of our education and school work. To avoid the high content of calories, you should have a balanced diet. Don’t eat too much snack! Eat much more fruits and vegetables instead of meat and carbohydrates. These items also full our tummies. Our bodies are belonged to us. Nobody knows it better than ourselves and we will suffer if there is anything going wrong to our bodies. Being fit is good for our health and hence we should keep fit from now on! Care about your body; let’s keep it fit our body from today on wards!

Peer Pressure

These days everyone talks about peer pressure. For you to know what peer pressure actually is you don’t have to “Google it” or anything, it’s pretty simple. It’s typical to want to belong and feel part of a group. There is nothing wrong with that at all in fact having good friendships in our lives is really important to our happiness.
Peer Pressure is most common in teens. This is a stage of life when we want to be independent, kind of like a “know it all” or like a tough rebel from some action movie. A problem connected to it is that how parents get actually worried, how other kids will affect their child. Odds are? It’s actually not as bad as most parents think. Teens or kids rarely strong arm each other into trying risky things; instead friends play a more subtle role in our lives.
The real problem is how to handle peer pressure, because honestly it can go either way it can be useful, comforting or play an encouraging role or it could shatter your confidence and lead to a disaster.
But don’t be afraid, before you start getting worried and all, it can be handled but with help. If you’re in a situation where you feel threatened, being hurt or pressured into doing something your are not comfortable with, you need to talk about it and tell someone. Tell a family member, a close friend, a teacher, a counselor. It’s dangerous and mind-throbbing to be in a bad situation and you shouldn’t have to deal with it on your own.
Get support and get help, trust me you’ll be alright

Confession Of A Bookaholic

Book is something that gives soul to universe, wings to the mind, flight to imagination and life to everything. Reading is like living the lives of the fictional characters writer made. A reader lives thousands of lives before he dies. Reading books is a hangover u start the new one yet you are not out of the previous one. Different addictions lessen the life my addiction made me live numerous of the. Being a bookaholic, cozy blankets and the favorite book is like forgetting every problem of the world living in your own little world and believe me that little escape is worth a try. It’s like dreaming with open eyes. It’s like living someone else journey. It’s like a talk with harsh truth and reality of life and also believing in a wrath of dragon, fairies, time machine, some supernatural power guy, vampire, dead and alive, monster under your bed. Even knowing their realities believing in them is something a bookaholic experiences. You discovered 3D now I discovered it decades before by getting the feel that words of a book gave me. Too much addiction is not good I know, I am not into the insanity of it, yet I still have gone quite far and it’s awesome. Trust me. It’s a food for your thought you will never get calories from it, all you get is moral lesson. If you want to try dine with me in it, I’ll pay.

Mistakes That Parents Make

Worrying about their child too much
Comparing their child to others
Pushing their child into activities they don’t want to do
Not letting their child to work out his or her own problems
Not teaching their child manners
Not listening to their child, turn off your phone, computer, T.V and listen.

No Pain No Gain

“Those who aim high, reach high”
Most often just aiming high is not that enough, we have to struggle very hard if we want to reach our destination. It is said:
“No pain, no gain. No thorn, no throne. No gall, no glory.”
If we have a look on the world’s greatest personalities, we come to know that they were not born with silver spoons in their mouths. They faced a lot of problems, difficulties and challenges; they walked on thorns to get the roses.
Thus we should be ready to take the pains and pick the thorns in the way of success. It is rightly said that:

“Only fire makes pure steel.”

Amazing Facts

Lead pencil is not made of lead but of Graphite which in one of the forms of Carbon.
The First regular T.V program began in London in 1932.
The Greek National anthem has 158 verses.
Only 59% of the Moon’s surface is ever visible from earth even when the Moon is full.
Lobsters have blue blood.
You blink about 25000 time a day.


It is the mind that is different, where that all the brains are the same.

There is only one fatal mistake and that is to hide a mistake.

The first lesson a man should learn is “Don’t depend on other s”.

Patience is the key that fits in to any wish.

Confidence is the quality by which the weak overcomes the powerful.

Benefits of Reading: Why You Should Read?

When was the last time you read a book, or a substantial magazine article? Do your daily reading habits center around notifications, facebook updates or tweets? If you’re one of the countless people who don’t make a habit of reading, you might be missing out : reading has a significant number of benefits and helps you a lot.

Studies have shown that staying mentally stimulated slows and even prevents Alzheimer’s and dementia. Keeping your brain active prevents it from losing power. Just like any other muscle in the body, the brain requires exercise, so the phrase “use it or lose it” is particularly apt.

All sorts of stress slips away when you lose yourself in a great story. A novel can transport you to other realms while an engaging article will distract you and keep you in the present moment, letting tensions drain away.

Everything you read fills your head with equipped you are to tackle any challenge. Additionally, here’s a bit of food for thought: should you ever find yourself in dire circumstance. Remember that although you might lose everything else-knowledge can never be taken from you.

The more you read, the more words you gain exposure to. Being articulate and well-spoken is of great help in any profession and knowing that you can speak to higher-ups with self-confidence can be an enormous boost to your self-esteem.

While reading books, you have to remember a certain amount of information about the characters. That can be a handful, but our brain remembers these things with relative ease. Amazingly, every new memory you create forges new synopsis (brain pathways) and strengthens existing ones which assists in short-term memory recall how cool is that?

Hand in hand with vocabulary, exposure to published, well-written work has a noted effect on one’s own writing. So we learn how to craft prose by reading the works of others.There’s a reading genre for every person on the planet, and whether your tastes lie in classical literature, poetry, fashion magazines, young-adult books or street lit, there’s something out there to capture your curiosity and imagination. So, step away from your computer a while, crack open a book and replenish your soul.

9 Successful ways to be Successful.

It is true that success depends on little things in life. What you say, what you do, what you think, all affects the success parameters of one’s life. Minor things can become reasons for major success. But often these are not given due importance. I have tried to list down a few of them.

Be prepared for the worst:
There is a famous quotation, “Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.” Prepare yourself for the worst that can divert you from the path of success. Once you are prepared, you will not be afraid of any failure.

Do not estimate yourself:
God has made all the mankind equal. All men have their share of strengths and weaknesses. Be confident and discover your strengths.
Be your own best friend:
You can understand and know yourself better than any other being on this earth.

Spread love and happiness:
Most people fail because of ill wishers. These are the people whom you have hurt or disappointed in one way or the other. Try to spread love and happiness and they will wish you well.

Believe the self help:
Do not depend on others for your success. It is you who needs it, not the others. So depend on yourself, do your work with your own hands. It will bring you satisfaction and teach you dignity of labor.

Be a good listener:
Albert Einstein said, “If ‘A’ equals success, then the formula is A=X+Y+Z where X is work, Y is play and Z is to keep your mouth shut. It is because when you talk, you do not listen and when you do not listen, you lose facts and information that might have helped you to succeed.”

Keep learning all your life:
Continuous learning increases your chances to succeed.

Love and respect you parents:
You will always be a child to your parents. Take some time out for them. You were once theirs and they did their duty well. Now it is your turn. Listen and do whatever they say, even if you feel they may be wrong. Whatever they say, in variably comes out to be true.

Always remember that God is the greatest:
Pray to his greatness and for his gifts. If you succeed, God has heard you. If you do not, it is better that way for you.

Well now I have told you all I think is important to be successful, or haven’t I? You might be wondering where is the tenth way of being successful is? I say, that it is for you to figure out...!