Confession Of A Bookaholic

Book is something that gives soul to universe, wings to the mind, flight to imagination and life to everything. Reading is like living the lives of the fictional characters writer made. A reader lives thousands of lives before he dies. Reading books is a hangover u start the new one yet you are not out of the previous one. Different addictions lessen the life my addiction made me live numerous of the. Being a bookaholic, cozy blankets and the favorite book is like forgetting every problem of the world living in your own little world and believe me that little escape is worth a try. It’s like dreaming with open eyes. It’s like living someone else journey. It’s like a talk with harsh truth and reality of life and also believing in a wrath of dragon, fairies, time machine, some supernatural power guy, vampire, dead and alive, monster under your bed. Even knowing their realities believing in them is something a bookaholic experiences. You discovered 3D now I discovered it decades before by getting the feel that words of a book gave me. Too much addiction is not good I know, I am not into the insanity of it, yet I still have gone quite far and it’s awesome. Trust me. It’s a food for your thought you will never get calories from it, all you get is moral lesson. If you want to try dine with me in it, I’ll pay.


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