Showing posts with label Mind pressure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mind pressure. Show all posts

Peer Pressure

These days everyone talks about peer pressure. For you to know what peer pressure actually is you don’t have to “Google it” or anything, it’s pretty simple. It’s typical to want to belong and feel part of a group. There is nothing wrong with that at all in fact having good friendships in our lives is really important to our happiness.
Peer Pressure is most common in teens. This is a stage of life when we want to be independent, kind of like a “know it all” or like a tough rebel from some action movie. A problem connected to it is that how parents get actually worried, how other kids will affect their child. Odds are? It’s actually not as bad as most parents think. Teens or kids rarely strong arm each other into trying risky things; instead friends play a more subtle role in our lives.
The real problem is how to handle peer pressure, because honestly it can go either way it can be useful, comforting or play an encouraging role or it could shatter your confidence and lead to a disaster.
But don’t be afraid, before you start getting worried and all, it can be handled but with help. If you’re in a situation where you feel threatened, being hurt or pressured into doing something your are not comfortable with, you need to talk about it and tell someone. Tell a family member, a close friend, a teacher, a counselor. It’s dangerous and mind-throbbing to be in a bad situation and you shouldn’t have to deal with it on your own.
Get support and get help, trust me you’ll be alright