9 Successful ways to be Successful.

It is true that success depends on little things in life. What you say, what you do, what you think, all affects the success parameters of one’s life. Minor things can become reasons for major success. But often these are not given due importance. I have tried to list down a few of them.

Be prepared for the worst:
There is a famous quotation, “Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.” Prepare yourself for the worst that can divert you from the path of success. Once you are prepared, you will not be afraid of any failure.

Do not estimate yourself:
God has made all the mankind equal. All men have their share of strengths and weaknesses. Be confident and discover your strengths.
Be your own best friend:
You can understand and know yourself better than any other being on this earth.

Spread love and happiness:
Most people fail because of ill wishers. These are the people whom you have hurt or disappointed in one way or the other. Try to spread love and happiness and they will wish you well.

Believe the self help:
Do not depend on others for your success. It is you who needs it, not the others. So depend on yourself, do your work with your own hands. It will bring you satisfaction and teach you dignity of labor.

Be a good listener:
Albert Einstein said, “If ‘A’ equals success, then the formula is A=X+Y+Z where X is work, Y is play and Z is to keep your mouth shut. It is because when you talk, you do not listen and when you do not listen, you lose facts and information that might have helped you to succeed.”

Keep learning all your life:
Continuous learning increases your chances to succeed.

Love and respect you parents:
You will always be a child to your parents. Take some time out for them. You were once theirs and they did their duty well. Now it is your turn. Listen and do whatever they say, even if you feel they may be wrong. Whatever they say, in variably comes out to be true.

Always remember that God is the greatest:
Pray to his greatness and for his gifts. If you succeed, God has heard you. If you do not, it is better that way for you.

Well now I have told you all I think is important to be successful, or haven’t I? You might be wondering where is the tenth way of being successful is? I say, that it is for you to figure out...!


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