Showing posts with label Articles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Articles. Show all posts

Stay Away From These If You Have Inflammatory Problems

If you have arthritis, there are some foods you need to avoid to stop aggravating inflammation. However, this is not the only thing that happens when you have too much inflammation in your body. This can also result to acne as well as serious illnesses, including Alzheimer’s, cancer, and heart disease.
Inflammation causes a painful and burning sensation / Photo by

In truth, the body depends on a bit of inflammation, so it can fight off injuries and infection. When inflammation becomes chronic though, the immune system will start attacking your healthy cells and this will result to destruction, instead of the immune system healing your body. In this case, it is only right that you know how to control inflammation in your body by avoiding the following foods:

1. Alcohol
Consuming high amounts of alcohol, including wine, beer, and cider, on a regular basis can inflame and irritate your liver, esophagus, and larynx. Chronic inflammation resulting to high alcohol consumption can increase tumor growth and cancer. Instead of drinking alcohol, just choose water or jasmine green tea, which is an anti-inflammatory beverage.

2. Dairy Products
You may be a part of the 60% world population that cannot digest milk as it is an allergen than triggers inflammation. This can cause stomach problems, diarrhea, constipation, breathing difficulties, and skin rashes. Milk and dairy products, along with butter, cheese, and other goods sold with dairy content should be avoided. If you’re not allergic to milk, choose yogurt and kefir instead, as they are easier on your stomach and they have good bacteria as well.

3. Sugar
Acne, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and metabolic syndrome can happen due to excessive sugar intake. Forget soft drinks, punches, and other sources of dietary sugars, as well as food products that list corn syrup, fructose, maltose, and sucrose as the ingredients, since these are just alternative names for sugar. Instead, opt for honey, blackstrap molasses, and other natural sweeteners.

4. Trans Fats
Trans fats can increase your bad cholesterol and promote inflammation, insulin resistance, and obesity. Avoid fast foods, deep fried foods, and baked goods sold commercially. Products in your grocery list should not have trans fats, vegetable shortening, and partially hydrogenated oil.

5. Vegetable Cooking Oils
This type of oil has high omega 6 fatty acid, instead of omega 3. Consuming high amounts of omega 6 leads to inflammation and can cause heart diseases and cancer. Grape seed, sunflower, and safflower oils are common cooking oils to avoid. Use macadamia oil or extra virgin olive oil to get the balance between omega 6 and 3 in your diet.
This is not to say you should completely avoid the foods listed above. In fact, they are still acceptable as long as you consume them in moderation.

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How to Eliminate Processed Food from Your Diet

Check your kitchen and ref, chances are you hoard a lot of unhealthy processed foods / PicHelp

Research after research has shown that processed foods are bad for our health. They are loaded with sugar and fructose corn syrup, which can lead to insulin resistance, increased bad cholesterol, and accumulation of fat in the liver and abdominal cavity. They also lack the essential nutrients and energy needed by the body. And the worst, they contain all sorts of artificial ingredients (e.g. preservatives, colorants, flavorants and texturants) that can be harmful to health. So, if you want to live healthy this year, start cutting off processed foods from your diet. Here are a few tips to help you eat clean.

Know the difference between real food and processed food
Obviously, most foods you see in groceries and markets are processed – milk is pasteurized and bottled, and ground beef has been grounded in a machine. But when talking about “processed foods,” we’re talking about those foods that have been chemically altered, processed and made from artificial ingredients. Examples of which are sodas, French fries, and deli meats.

Go for real beverages
Starting today, limit your drink choices to “real” beverages – i.e. water, milk, tea, coffee and fresh fruit juices. Avoid colas, power drinks, instant juices, coffees, lemonades and many other sugary drinks.

Choose fresh meat
While deli meats, such as sausages and meatloaves, are tempting and convenient, there are a number of reasons why you should avoid them. One is that they increase your risk to cardiovascular disease by 70%. Even those deli sandwiches, which include refined grains, low fat cheeses and low fat deli meats that are promoted as healthy, can increase your risk to the disease by 8% per serving.

Take a Fast from Fast Food
Fast food is addictive and it can make you fat. A 15-year study participated by over 3,000 people found that eating fast food can lead to insulin resistance and weight gain. Also, one study found that most fast food has potentially addictive substance that can create fast food dependence in vulnerable population. So starting today, take a fast from fast food. Limit it to at least once a month. Your body will thank you for it.


Why Tomatoes are Good for You

Tomato has been found in the laboratory to be very rich in anti-chemical compounds / PicHelp
More than 200 years ago, tomatoes were thought to be poisonous in the United States because their relative species are. However, now these are considered to be among the healthiest food in the world. Tomatoes are called a functional food because they provide more than just basic nutrition. Since they contain healthy phytochemicals like lycopene, they are able to help prevent chronic diseases. Moreover, there are many reasons why people should love eating tomatoes. Anyone who wants to be perfectly healthy should know these to improve their diet.

Benefits of tomatoes
Eating tomatoes can improve the health of a person. Since they are a rich source of many beneficial nutrients, they can be trusted to fight illnesses and help maintain wellness. Here are some of the health benefits of eating these nutritious veggie-fruits.

Tomatoes are known to be a good source of folic acid and vitamins A and C. Furthermore, they are rich in antioxidants such as lycopene, alpha-lipoic acid, lutein, beta-carotene, and choline. For the information of everyone, lycopene is responsible for making tomatoes red in color. Alpha-lipoic acid aids in converting glucose to energy. It can also help in controlling blood glucose, preserve nerve and brain tissues, and even improve vasodilation. Then, choline is a valuable nutrient that helps with memory, learning, muscle movement, and sleep.
Eating tomatoes can also help improve heart health. Tomato extracts and fresh tomatoes are proven to help decrease total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL cholesterol. Tomato extracts can also aid in preventing the clumping of platelet cells together in the blood. This helps lower the chance of having atherosclerosis and other heart problems. The reason why tomatoes are good for the heart is because they contain phytonutrients that provide heart-protection benefits. Among these phytonutrients are esculeoside, which is a glycoside, and chalconaringenin, a flavonoid. As more nutrients are discovered about tomatoes, they increase their popularity as being one of the best food for the heart.

Fight against diseases
Aside from being good for the heart, tomatoes are known to help prevent other diseases. Here are some of them.

Since tomatoes are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, they can help fight free radicals, which cause cancer. Among the types of cancer that can be prevented by eating tomatoes are prostate cancer and colorectal cancer.

Tomatoes have folic acid that helps decrease the risk of depression by stopping the formation of homocysteine in the body. Homocysteine can prevent nutrients and even the blood from reaching the brain. When this happens, the production of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, which are called feel-good hormones, is interfered.

Tomatoes are also rich in fiber and have high water content. Therefore, they can also aid in curing constipation. Eating a lot of tomatoes will keep the person hydrated and even help in regulating bowel movements. Studies show that people who have high intake of tomatoes are less likely to suffer from constipation.
Without a doubt, tomatoes can do a lot to help lower risk of certain diseases. Moreover, they can keep people healthy and fit. For this reason, increasing tomato intake is advisable and should be promoted by health institutions.


113 Year-old-man reveals his secret: 5 Foods for long life

Bernardo LaPallo is already 113 years old and still kicking.

Bernardo LaPallo is not an ordinary man. Born in 1901 and at 113 he is older than any of you and that happened not by chance but by sheer discipline and desire to live longer. He has a few secrets though; five of them to be exact and he shared that so you can live a long life too.
LaPallo who hails from Mesa, Arizona claims that he has never been sick a day in his life and that he has avoid red meat and eats mostly organic food and vegetables. His secret is a recipe that he inherited from his father who was a doctor and a much disciplined man.

If you think that yeah maybe he’s 113 years old but can’t live decently, you’re wrong. He can still do a lot of stuff including solving crosswords and reading books – not ebooks, he is traditional like that.
Check the video done when he was 110 below to learn his 5 secret foods for long life, and yeah he’s still alive:
We listed the five foods below for your convenience:

Garlic has been used in many continents as a medicinal herb. It has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that have been proven to work effectively without the side effects.

Honey, nature’s best sweetener has been featured in our website several times for its wonderful effects. If you need a sweetener, our 110-year-old legend wants you to use this.

Cinnamon is a popular food enhancer and while extracts from the bark of the cinnamon tree have also been used traditionally as medicine throughout the world, the very cinnamon power you can buy in stores can lower blood cholesterol and prevent onset of diabetes.

The food of the gods is called as such for a reason. And if you think chocolates are just for kids or those with sweet tooth, you’re wrong. LaPallo says it’s a vital ingredient in having a long life.

Olive oil
Wars have been fought for olive and its oil. We’re not kidding. But today you can easily buy them in groceries and they’re not expensive at all. Incorporate it in your daily diet and feel the difference.
Bernardo LaPallo holding a bottle of olive oil during an interview with the press.

This Man Hasn't Bathed In 60 Years

Amou Haji from Iran is a rather unusual personality. Perhaps, that is putting it too politely. Well, here’s the deal. The 80-year old man has not had a bath in 60 years. Why so, you ask? He is of the view that washing himself would only make him sick. Oh, and he prefers to have rotten porcupine for his meals. What’s most interesting is that he seeks a life partner despite all this. Any takers?

It gets weirder; the man smokes from a pipe that is filled with animal feces. His view about clean food is pretty much consistent with that about his body cleanliness. That explains why dead animals and five liters of water from rusty oil cans form part of his daily diet. He prefers to sleep in a hole in the ground at night and there is even a brick shack that residents decided to construct for his sake.

Haji has rather twisted methods of grooming himself. He uses car mirrors to do that. In case he feels he is in need of a haircut, he goes ahead and burns the locks of unnecessary hair. Rags protect him from the weather whereas a helmet helps him beat the cold in the chilly winters. In case you were wondering, Haji does have a home in village Dejgah. However, he decided to escape that part of Iran when a group of people insisted he showered.

With this feat, Haji has managed to better the record of the Kailash Singh from India who went on without bathing for 38 years.


Ø When we are in the class, we are “Children

Ø When they are in the class, they are “Scholars

Ø When we write on our own writing, it is “Over-Writing

Ø When they write over our writing, it is “Correction

Ø When we copy from others, we are “Cheaters

Ø When they copy from others, they are “Quotes

Ø When we don’t do our work on time, we are “Sluggish

Ø When they don’t do their work on time, they are “Busy

Ø When we think in class, we are “Day Dreamers

Ø When they think in class, They are “Philosophers

Ø When we talk in class, We are “Chatter Box

Ø When they talk in class, They are “Professing

Ø When we are out in the corridors, We are “Bunking

Ø When they are out in the corridors, They are on “Official Duty

Ø When we are gathered to discuss, We are “Gossiping

Ø When they are gathered to discuss, It is “Conference

Ø When we shout in class, We are “Illiterate

Ø When they shout in class, That’s their “Need

Ø When we joke in class, We are “Jokers

Ø When they joke in class, They are “Witty

Ø When we use mobile in class, We are “Undisciplined

Ø When they use mobile in class, That’s “Important

“Ahhh. . . Do U still Think Our Teachers Are Better Than Us?”

Autobiography Of Mobile Phone

I am the part and parcel of every one’s life. Children ruthlessly love me, women adore me and men handle me roughly. Can you guess what I am? I am a cell phone. Fancying that your life is incomplete, dull and drab without me you would be interested in knowing about my journey of life.

I am a delicate smart cell phone of a famous make APPLE. Getting through rigorous phases of manufacturing in the factory of a USA I came out shining as sun. My fellow models were of different colors but I felt distinguished to be clad in a glistening black and silver body. The package that carried was equally shining, decent and it rightly went with my prestige. I was shipped to Pakistan. After many days of travelling in dark suffocating container I reached Pakistan. Then I was sent to a mobile showroom. The shopkeeper displayed me on a glass window. People came, adored me and put me back. Nobody was ready to buy me because I was very precious. One a rich man purchased me but he didn't unpack me rather he wrapped me in a beautiful wrapping sheet and presented me as a gift to his beloved wife on her birthday. The lady who was my owner was very nice. She handled me gently and took great care of mine. She always looked at me with a special gleam in her eyes because my sight always reminded her, the unfathomable love of her husband. Sometimes she let her three years old daughter play with me but in her own supervision. She was always very watchful that lest the young child should not cause any harm to me. I felt very uneasy in the hands of baby because she was too young to enjoy any game or any other application of mine. She could only see the pictures in the gallery. On an unfortunate day her one year younger brother approached her when she was molesting me. My owner left her unattended only for few seconds when she went to kitchen to turn the meat stakes in the broiler. He tried to snatch me from her hands. In that maltreatment I got slipped from their hands and fell on the floor. My LED was crashed. Hearing the smash my owner lady rushed screaming. She was baffled seeing my heartrending plight. I was sent to a mobile repair shop my LED was replaced but I lost my original luster. My owner sold me and now I am waiting for a new owner. I am perplexed to think that who my new owner would be!!

LIFE - A Journey....

Some of these challenges will test our courage, strengths, weaknesses, and faith. Along the way, we may stumble upon obstacles that will come between the paths that we are destined to take. In order to follow the right path, we must overcome these obstacles. Sometimes these obstacles are really blessings in disguise, only we don't realize that at the time.

Along our journey we will be confronted with many situations, some will be filled with joy, and some will be filled with heartache. How we react to what we are faced with determines what kind of outcome the rest of our journey through life will be like.

When things don't always go our way, we have two choices in dealing with the situations. We can focus on the fact that things didn't go how we had hoped they would and let life pass us by, or two, we can make the best out of the situation and know that these are only temporary setbacks and find the lessons that are to be learned.

Time stops for no one, and if we allow ourselves to focus on the negative we might miss out on some really amazing things that life has to offer. We can't go back to the past, we can only take the lessons that we have learned and the experiences that we have gained from it and move on. It is because of the heartaches, as well as the hardships, that in the end help to make us a stronger person.

The people that we meet on our journey, are people that we are destined to meet. Everybody comes into our lives for some reason or another and we don't always know their purpose until it is too late. They all play some kind of role. Some may stay for a lifetime; others may only stay for a short while.

Top 5 WordPress Themes Generators

A WordPress theme generator comes a great help for non-programmers. It happens that one may think of beautiful designs, but may not bring the imagined design in the form of website design due to ignorance of programming languages used in website development. While I meet such an individual, I recommend WordPress theme generator to use because it’s the very nice way to make the website templates despite of being a non-programmer. Described below, are some well reputed WordPress theme generators.

Template Toaster
It is a desktop based generator, means the user has to download it on a personal system having to pay premium, which is $ 39.99 (for standard edition only). It is considered rather advanced by the user community of it, owing to trendy designing options that are many in number, and technically it’s responsive and search engine friendly.

WP Theme Generator
It’s an online theme generator for WordPress. To use this tool, the user must be online. Firstly, an account has to be created for making use of it. It’s also not free, offers combo packs to users and accordingly provide theme its usability. WP promises responsive themes. Sample designs can be browsed and used by user if not able to think in its own way

This generator is capable of generating basic WordPress themes. It’s a desktop based tool, yet the user is required to stay connected to the internet since theme can only be exported while online. It costs $ 129.95 for the standard edition. The themes it generates conforms to w3c standards and occur responsive as well.

Ultimatum presents a drag and drop layout builder. It does not promise to provide many designing options, but the intuitive things is offers is flexibility to set the place for widgets in desired position. This theme builder carries a very clean and easy to understand interface for users. It offers many additional functionalities for themes.

Like ultimatum, iTheme presents a layout editor which offers drag and drop ease to place the modules, namely header, navigation, images, sidebars, content area, widget bars, and footer. One more module is, the HTML area. iTheme is responsive and offer three pricing packs. Where every pack consists builder core theme embodied editor.