7 Severe Side Effects Of Milk

Do you drink milk? Are you under this constant impression that consuming glasses of milk is only making your body healthier? Then maybe you should rethink. Please don’t get me wrong. I know how often we would have been lectured in our childhood about the greatness and wholeness of milk. If you are hungry, it is milk you are fed with. Are you crying? Then again it is milk which comes to soothe and calm you. No wonder the goodness of milk has been so deeply ingrained in our minds, that we have always believed it to be the best food.But things have become much clearer now. Didn’t understand?
1) GAS
Also known as flatulence, it is an irritable state of having excessive intestinal or stomach gas. (1)
How?Cow’s milk contains lactose. This lactose can cause irritation in the digestive system which leads to gas. (2)
Sharp pangs in the abdomen, a knotted feeling in the abdomen, bloating. (3)

It is an extremely unpleasant feeling within the stomach which causes an urge to vomit.
The milk lactose can irritate the stomach causing nausea. It is one form of lactose intolerance, wherein people begin to have digestive problems immediately after consuming milk or milk products. (4)
The symptoms of nausea are comparatively difficult to describe. They don’t cause pain but an uncomfortable feeling within the head and chest. Some of these symptoms include dizziness, light headedness, headaches.(5)

3) Breast Cancer Due To rBGH
Here comes one of the serious milk side effects:
rBGH, also known as recombinant bovine somatotropin, is a genetically engineered artificial hormone that is injected into cows to make them produce more milk. (6)
Though it might sound overly sensational, there are solid facts which prove that the milk you consume in your home can lead to breast cancer.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. And for any woman, the chances of getting breast cancer are 1 in 8. (7) Consumption of dairy products coming from those cows injected with the dangerous rBGH can lead to breast cancer. Hence it is always advisable to be aware of this serious side effect of milk.
Lump in the breast, change in the size or shape of one or both the breasts, lump or swelling in the armpits. (8)

4) Abdominal Bloating
It is a condition in which the stomach feels full and might also appear swollen.
Abdominal bloating happens as a side effect of the high lactose content in cow’s milk. This happens when it moves through the large intestine without getting properly digested. Bloating, another form of lactose intolerance occurs when the small intestine fails to produce enough amount of an enzyme called lactase, which is required for the breakdown of lactose. (9)
Sometimes bloating can turn very serious. Symptoms that indicate this are weight loss, severe stomach pain and blood in the stool. (10)

5) Anemia In Toddlers
Anemia is a condition which occurs due to a deficiency of hemoglobin in blood.
Cow’s milk has a very low content of iron. And since infants consume lots of milk, they end up getting less amount of iron. One more way how cow’s milk causes anemia toddlers is by the occult intestinal blood loss in toddlers. (11)
Pale skin, fatigue and shortness of breath; but these symptoms appear only when anemia is severe.

6) Respiratory Problems
Consumption of milk can lead to an increase in phlegm, thereby causing or aggravating respiratory problems. (12)
It is true that milk consumption can lead to an increase in phlegm. But not all milk is the same. There are certain breeds of cow’s milk which contain a protein called beta-CM-7. This specific protein can trigger the formation of mucus both in the respiratory as well as digestive tracts. (13)
Cough, sinus.

7) Allergies
Some people are allergic to cow’s milk and they react to the proteins present in it. This causes allergic reactions in them.
Curd contains 80 percent of milk’s proteins. And whey, the watery part of milk contains the remaining 20 percent. Whenever a person who is allergic to milk consumes these proteins, the body slips under the impression that these are harmful substances. Hence, the immune system starts fighting against these harmful substances (proteins). This is what causes allergic reactions in the body. (14)
Wheezing, itchy or watery eyes, red spots on the skin.
Now that you have learnt the side effects of drinking milk, are you still interested in gulping down glasses of milk everyday?


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