I am the part and parcel of every one’s life. Children ruthlessly love me, women adore me and men handle me roughly. Can you guess what I am? I am a cell phone. Fancying that your life is incomplete, dull and drab without me you would be interested in knowing about my journey of life.
I am a delicate smart cell phone of a famous make APPLE. Getting through rigorous phases of manufacturing in the factory of a USA I came out shining as sun. My fellow models were of different colors but I felt distinguished to be clad in a glistening black and silver body. The package that carried was equally shining, decent and it rightly went with my prestige. I was shipped to Pakistan. After many days of travelling in dark suffocating container I reached Pakistan. Then I was sent to a mobile showroom. The shopkeeper displayed me on a glass window. People came, adored me and put me back. Nobody was ready to buy me because I was very precious. One a rich man purchased me but he didn't unpack me rather he wrapped me in a beautiful wrapping sheet and presented me as a gift to his beloved wife on her birthday. The lady who was my owner was very nice. She handled me gently and took great care of mine. She always looked at me with a special gleam in her eyes because my sight always reminded her, the unfathomable love of her husband. Sometimes she let her three years old daughter play with me but in her own supervision. She was always very watchful that lest the young child should not cause any harm to me. I felt very uneasy in the hands of baby because she was too young to enjoy any game or any other application of mine. She could only see the pictures in the gallery. On an unfortunate day her one year younger brother approached her when she was molesting me. My owner left her unattended only for few seconds when she went to kitchen to turn the meat stakes in the broiler. He tried to snatch me from her hands. In that maltreatment I got slipped from their hands and fell on the floor. My LED was crashed. Hearing the smash my owner lady rushed screaming. She was baffled seeing my heartrending plight. I was sent to a mobile repair shop my LED was replaced but I lost my original luster. My owner sold me and now I am waiting for a new owner. I am perplexed to think that who my new owner would be!!