Showing posts with label Facts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facts. Show all posts

15 Amazing, Interesting Facts Which are Unknown for You.

1-Do you know how much Google earns? Google generates $691.27 per second. The annual revenue is $21,800,000,000.

2-The human eye is 576 mega pixels compared to I phone 5 that has only 8 mega pixels camera.

3-Dogs have better eyesight than a human although not as colorful.

4-If you are in total darkness more than 3 days you can become permanently blind.

5-By the year 2112, there will be 750 million facebook profiles of dead people.

6-By watching one person yawning, more than 50 people can start yawning.

7-There is a place “Y” in France.

8-Right handed people live, on average, 9 years longer than left handed people.

9-Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes.

10-Mobile damages our brain and hearing.

11-An adult human contains 5 liters of blood.

12-The average human dream lasts 2-3 second.

13-It takes 20 seconds for RBC to complete a circle to whole body.

14-Cornea in human eye takes oxygen directly from the air.

15-Every time you sneeze some of your brain cells die.

Amazing Facts

Lead pencil is not made of lead but of Graphite which in one of the forms of Carbon.
The First regular T.V program began in London in 1932.
The Greek National anthem has 158 verses.
Only 59% of the Moon’s surface is ever visible from earth even when the Moon is full.
Lobsters have blue blood.
You blink about 25000 time a day.