15 Amazing, Interesting Facts Which are Unknown for You.

1-Do you know how much Google earns? Google generates $691.27 per second. The annual revenue is $21,800,000,000.

2-The human eye is 576 mega pixels compared to I phone 5 that has only 8 mega pixels camera.

3-Dogs have better eyesight than a human although not as colorful.

4-If you are in total darkness more than 3 days you can become permanently blind.

5-By the year 2112, there will be 750 million facebook profiles of dead people.

6-By watching one person yawning, more than 50 people can start yawning.

7-There is a place “Y” in France.

8-Right handed people live, on average, 9 years longer than left handed people.

9-Donkeys kill more people annually than plane crashes.

10-Mobile damages our brain and hearing.

11-An adult human contains 5 liters of blood.

12-The average human dream lasts 2-3 second.

13-It takes 20 seconds for RBC to complete a circle to whole body.

14-Cornea in human eye takes oxygen directly from the air.

15-Every time you sneeze some of your brain cells die.


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