This Website is about Health, Fitness, and Happiness. We will give you the tips to live healthy and happy life in all over the world. Like our page and share our tips with your friends and family.
How Long Should You Walk Each Day?
Walking continuously for 30 minutes or more is best for fat-burning. At a brisk walking pace, you will cover a distance of 1.5 to 2 miles or 2.5 to 3.3 kilometers...
Losing belly fat cannot be done with just exercise. You must create a caloric deficit daily, by reducing your calories to help burn fat. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests cardio...
Burning 1,000 calories a day is not an easy task, but with dedication and intensity, it can be accomplished. The amount of calories burned depends on a person's weight and fitness level, as well as...
Anytime you work your legs, you have the potential to build strength to propel you higher in your vertical jumps. Targeting the right muscles makes this more effective, but you can't stop there. Practicing...
You know how a flower folded and pressed inside a diary or a book has an eternal and timeless beauty to it?
That same beauty was put to use by Sarah Smith, the artist based in Oregon who’s...
Star Wars Episode VII is releasing this Christmas and every fan is getting in the mood.
So much so that the Japanese Ground Self Defense Forces’ 11th Brigade carved out...
David Latimer planted this beauty in 1960 and it’s still living it large (within it’s own ecosystem). For 54 years since that fateful Easter Sunday, this 80-year-old man has kept this lush micro-forest...
If you have arthritis, there are some foods you need to avoid to stop aggravating inflammation. However, this is not the only thing that happens when you have too much inflammation in your body. This...
Check your kitchen and ref, chances are you hoard a lot of unhealthy processed foods / PicHelp
Research after research has shown that processed foods are bad for our health. They are loaded with...
Tomato has been found in the laboratory to be very rich in anti-chemical compounds / PicHelp
More than 200 years ago, tomatoes were thought to be poisonous in the United States because their relative...
Believe it or not, you burn calories without breaking a sweat. From breathing to sleeping to standing, you can get rid of 100 calories just like that. Even everyday chores can help you eliminate the...
Bernardo LaPallo is already 113 years old and still kicking.
Bernardo LaPallo is not an ordinary man. Born in 1901 and at 113 he is older than any of you and that happened not by chance but by sheer...
1 # Running
If you’re one of the many people who love to run, you’re in luck.
Running burns about 600 calories per hour, helps build strong bones and connective tissue and gets your heart pumping...
1.Try to climb through all the rooms in your home without touching the floor
2.Find undiscovered tribes using Google Earth
3.Shave your pets
4.Knock down all the interior walls of your home, creating...
1: What eye color do you find sexiest?
2: White, milk, or dark chocolate mocha?
3: If you could get a Sharpie tattoo on your back, what would it be?
4: Did you grow up in a small or big town? Did...
1. Walk up to them and ask them for their autographs.
2. Walk up to them, introduce yourself extremely upbeat and friendly-like and end the conversation by saying "It was nice to meet you. It's so...
1. Make your opinion knownPeople like blogs, they like blogs because they are written by people and not corporations. People want to know what people think, crazy as it sounds they want to know what...
You've probably heard of the Freshmen 15, but lots of other college students gain weighttoo.If you don't like the numbers flashing on your scale, here are 50 weight loss tips:
Don't use a cafeteria...
Words of appreciation are used when you feel gratitude towards someone. This could include thanking someone for a gift, a favor, or just being a friend.
Common Words of Appreciation