Exercises That Burn 1000 Calories a Day

Burning 1,000 calories a day is not an easy task, but with dedication and intensity, it can be accomplished. The amount of calories burned depends on a person's weight and fitness level, as well as the intensity level and the type and duration of activity. Exercising at a high level of intensity burns more calories due to energy expenditure. An overweight person burns more calories because the body requires more energy to move while exercising. To burn 1,000 calories a day, you can perform exercises all at one time or break them up into segments over the course of the day. Wearing a heart rate monitor or using a calorie burn calculator can help accurately calculate calories burned.


 Running burns a large amount of calories in a short amount of time. According to Prohealth.com's Exercise and Activity Calculator, a 150-lb. person running at 6 mph (10-minute mile) burns approximately 1,022 calories in 90 minutes. Increasing speed burns more calories in a shorter period of time. The same person can burn 1,020 calories in 60 minutes running at 9 mph (6.5-minute mile). Running stairs burns 1,020 calories per hour.

 Jump Rope

As one of the highest calorie-burning exercises, jumping rope burns about 11 calories per minute. Varying speed and increasing intensity while jumping can burn up to 20 calories per minute. Prohealth.com's Exercise and Activity Calculator estimates that a 150-lb. person jumping rope at a moderate level (140 revolutions per minute) burns 1,022 calories in 90 minutes. Jumping rope at a fast pace (180 to 200 revolutions per minute) burns around 1,020 calories in 75 minutes.


Calories burned while bicycling depends on intensity and terrain. The amount of calories burned will differ when riding a stationary bike versus an outdoor bike. Based on Prohealth.com's Exercise and Activity Calculator, a 150-lb. person bicycling at a racing pace (16 to 19 mph) for 75 minutes burns about 1,020 calories. Biking 14 to 15.9 mph (vigorous effort) burns close to 1,022 calories in 90 minutes.

Courtesy livestrong

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  • Exercises That Burn 1000 Calories a Day Burning 1,000 calories a day is not an easy task, but with dedication and intensity, it can be accomplished. The amount of calories burned depends on a person's weight and fitness level, as well as the intensity level and … Read More


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