50 Things to Do at Home When Your are Bored

1.Try to climb through all the rooms in your home without touching the floor

2.Find undiscovered tribes using Google Earth

3.Shave your pets

4.Knock down all the interior walls of your home, creating one large empty space. Once done, sit in the middle of the giant room and contemplate your life

5.Start a free blog on WordPress or Blogger and tell the world about all your weird and dirty secrets

6.Email an ex girlfriend or boyfriend and apologize for hurting them even though it’s a complete lie (just do it for shits and giggles)

7.Read a book. Use your time to learn something, for God’s sake

8.Create an upside-down room. Choose a room and take a few photos of it. Then, invert the entire room by sticking all of the things on the floor up on the ceiling and vice versa. Don’t forget to invert any framed pictures. You will need a drill, nails and lots of glue

9.Join the Church of Satan

10.Get drunk and forget

11.Try to head butt the ceiling

12.Build a match rocket. Supersize it

13.Snort a line of coffee

14.Increase your hand-eye coordination by throwing kitchen knives at the wall

15.Try to completely seal a room in your house. Once sealed, run a hose into the room and fill it with water. Swim

16.Ask a profound question in the comments box below. Wait for a response

17.Join the Illuminati

18.Learn how to moonwalk

19.Eat a cardboard box

20.Change your facebook relationship status to the opposite of what it normally is. Wait for “friends” to
question your status

21.Dress up like a burglar and try to break in to your own home

22.Sign-up for a StreetWars assassination tournament

23.Put every single item in your house on eBay. Sell it all and go live in the Amazon jungle

24.Contemplate the infinite nature of the universe until you go completely mad

25.Write a poem of no more than four lines and post it in the comments box below. Wait until you receive an honest critical response.

26.Play the drums. Hit “V” repeatedly until you cry

27.Create the following text or email: “You are hot. I don’t want a relationship with you but if you need freindship, I am here for you.” Send it to all of the appropriate contacts in your address book and wait for the responses to roll in

28.Try to move an object using the power of your mind

29.Buy a Predator costume (or something else equally stupid)

30.Try to make yourself cry like they do in the movies

31.Make a nest and hibernate until something interesting happens

32.Become invisible

33.Shave your head and reinvent yourself

34.Pretend you’re a construction worker and shout lewd comments at strangers as they walk past your house. If they respond or look flattered, invite them in for “coffee”

35.Make a giant banner advert stating something like “Free Lunch Here. No Fee, No Questions.” Hang it outside a window facing the street. Wait

36.Set a new world record for the biggest matchstick model. The current record is a one-ton oilrig. Try to build something more interesting like Guantanamo Bay or Jenna Jameson

37.Roll up a carpet or rug so it looks big enough to accommodate a human body. Take it outside to your front lawn, put it down, and start digging a big hole. If you see a neighbor staring at you, give them a cold look and mouth the words “You’re next”

38.Buy a tiger

39.Answer serious questions that idiots have posted on Yahoo Answers

40.List 10 things that you hate about each of your friends and acquaintances. Email them the list

41.Make an anonymous threatening letter by cutting out words from a newspaper. Send it to your enemy

42.Fail a series of intelligence tests here, here and here

43.Call random people on the phone and try to sell them imaginary products

44.Scream, shout and run around until you pass out on the floor

45.Climb inside your freezer and see how long you can survive

46.Explore the galaxy

47.Try to perfect the art of counting seconds accurately

48.Cover yourself with fake blood and lie on the sidewalk outside your house. See if anyone gives a shit

49.Do a Google search for “test subjects needed” or “volunteers needed” (with quotation marks). Volunteer for everything

50.Share your own boredom-killing ideas in the comments box below and do yourself and the whole world a favor 

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